Föreläsning med Heba Khalil
A PRAT: Sveriges Arkitekter Västra Götaland börjar 2023 års program med en spännande internationell utblick till Egypten!
Planning and Development within the Global South Urbanism: Reflections on inclusive and equitable practices
The talk will present and discuss issues that urban planners in the Global South have been struggling with. Drawing on extensive experience both as a researcher and practitioner, the talk will unpack some of the urban planning realities within the Egyptian context, especially urban informalities.
Several issues of gender, representation and inclusiveness are at the core of the discussion and practices.
Short bio:
Heba Khalil, professor of sustainable urbanism & the senior coordinator of the Architectural Engineering and Technology Program at Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University focusing on community development, informal areas, urban metabolism, urban climate, integrated urban systems, gender equity & land governance with more than 40 publications & several international research partnerships. She has more than 20 years of experience working as an architect, urban planner & housing & capacity building expert with a passion for inclusive & sustainable development. Khalil holds a PhD in architectural engineering from Cairo University and has been granted the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship in urban studies at MIT. She is currently a visiting professor at Chalmers.